Brand Story - eZn

Brand Name

Brand Slogan

So Unique eZn

We are born with differences from others! We are born with our own uniqueness. We can create our unique style with our own tastes and values!

eZn helps create your own style and your own uniqueness.


Brand Identity

My Unique Hair Salon

eZn is a hair salon brand specialized for us that can easily create our own unique hair style!

eZn 3 Principles

eZn members support each other’s ideas and enjoy the challenges. We are together to make eZn unique culture!

We are always thinking about how to contribute to the customers’ value.

We never stop challenging the new ideas and embrace the new things.

We are continuously sharing our ideas to achieve free expression organization culture. 


Product Benefits

Product Composition


Categories of eZn products



Korea Trademark

USA Trademark
EU Trademark